Thursday, November 13, 2008
My little Tigger
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tyler turns 1!!
Monday, October 06, 2008
Wow, it's October!!
Everytime I had inspiration to ramble, I got distracted by my dear, sweet baby boy.
He's getting so big - and is definately ALL BOY! He's weighing about 30 lbs now but we'll get a more accurate weight when we go to his 1 year checkup just after his birthday. He's been Mr. Activity lately and is SO close to walking. He does walk around the coffee table and has a little moving piano that he walks with - but only a few steps. He's into everything now, and knows when he's not suppose to go somewhere. He'll stop, turn around, give me that cute little angel smile and giggle before I go and direct him towards his play area. He's a little monkey and loves to climb on anything/everything around the house. He's nearly crawled out of his walker a few times.
Oh boy, will I have my hands full when he does begin to walk.
Just a few more weeks til that wonderful day - he turns one, and turns mommy & daddy into crazy parents. :-) We're also having him dedicated at church on the 19th , which will be the official start for Troy and I starting his path toward knowing Jesus and prayerfully leading him toward a relationship with God!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
September already??
We’re finishing up on the 2nd week of school and it’s been mere chaos around campus.
I nearly got into 2 accidents the first day! Partly because of the idiotic round-about that some genius designer thought up for the intersection of Barstow and Chestnut. It’s a heavy traffic area for those coming onto campus, and instead of improving the traffic flow, it actually has backed things up even more for those on Chestnut trying to cross Barstow. It’s been a traffic nightmare!
But I digress…..
The beginning of September also means that we’ll be heading to D.C. soon for my dear friend, Jennifer’s wedding. I’m excited about going but also dreading it too because we’re leaving our little Tyler (aka Ty-Ty) home with grandma & grandpa (who themselves will be returning soon from 3 weeks in Europe –MUST BE NICE!!). Besides visiting good friends, being in the wedding and being in D.C. in the Fall (instead of the dead heat of summer), it’ll be some good time away for me and Troy.
The most recent news from me is that I am an official owner of the iPhone! Yes, that’s right, I’m crossed over to the ‘dark side’ as some people put it. Although I love it so far… now that I’m starting to get a handle on it. It’s so much fun once you get used to it. I can now get full internet sites on my phone, as well as check my Facebook page. J Yes, I do have to confess….
“My name is Sheryl, and I’m a Facebook addict.” J But most of you already know that. J
Sunday, August 31, 2008
My, how time flies
There's been a lot going on and Tyler's growing like a weed. He's now crawling, pulling himself up and so close to walking. He's keeping us on our toes and very busy.
Like most people, I spend most of my time of those blasted networking sites! More-so on Facebook (yes, I'm an addict and I know it), not so much on Myspace anymore.
You can catch me on there if you want to know what's going on with us and see recent photos of the baby-boy, as he grows into the cute little man he is now.
Those that I know that look at this site, I've already been keeping in contact more via Facebook. If you're not on it yet, it's a great site without having all the 'junk' and young fan-base as Myspace.
Blessings to all of you!!
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
It's HOT in the Valley!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Fresno State 19 Georgia State 10
Monday, June 23, 2008
Bulldogs vs. Bulldogs
ok, it was a really close game but unfortunately we lost 7-6. I was excited to see that Jordan Ribera (our pastor's son) did hit a homerun. Wooohooo!! Yah Jordan!!
Georgia came back in the 8th inning for the go ahead run. The FS Bulldogs had a good showing and proved once again that we may be underdogs but still have the will, and talent to win.
Next up.... Game 2 tomorrow (Tuesday) night.
On a side-note, Mitch (our pastor) had to come home over the weekend to do a wedding. He spoke Sunday morning but made several jokes about his brain being in Omaha, where the CWS is being played. He also joked that until this year, he couldn't care less about college baseball. Now... he's living and breathing college baseball. Since FS won their game against NC to make the finals, Mitch flew back to Omaha Monday morning, to be able to watch game 1. I'm sure he's one proud papa!!
Stay tuned!!
Wow! Another incredible game!!
The FRESNO STATE BULLDOGS are now in the College World Series Finals!!
Yes, my Bulldogs made the finals, beating North Carolina 6-1.
Our Cinderella story continues on!!
We now go up against the Georgia Bulldogs today (Monday) for the first of three games in the Finals. We are soooo excited!!
Go Dogs, Fresno State Bulldogs,
that is!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Fresno State 5 - North Carolina 3
Due to the rain-out of the game between NC and Louisiana St., they will play their elimination game tonight (Friday), and the winner of that game will play Fresno State on Saturday.
The Bulldogs are WONDERDOGS!!! They beat the No. 2 team, the North Carolina Tar Heels, in last night's CWS game. WOW!!!! I am speechless and was truely in tears last night when they got the 3rd out to wrap up the game. There was some nail-biting times off and on through out the game with their chance of going ahead... but our power defense prevailed and WE WON!!!!
People used to say "Fresno??? Who are they??" Now they are shocked and amazed that these little home-town boys from California are up there with the big boys like North Carolina and Miami. The loser of that game will be eliminated.
The Bulldogs have a chance to rest before their game on Friday with either NC again, or Louisiana St. The Bulldogs and University of Georgia - Atlanta are the only ones in the series that are still undefeated.
With all the negative publicity our athletics program has gotten the past fews, its really great to see a bright spot to bring pride back to our school! All Bulldogs (and friends) should be so proud of these guys! They're playing hard and doing a great job!!
All I can say is WOW!! Our boys are HOT!!!
ESPN coverage
CWS brackets
Fresno Bee
Fresno State News
Oh yah, and the Celtics finally won the NBA finals. Yah!! for the Celtics! ;-)
Monday, June 16, 2008
UnderDOGS to WonderDOGS!!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Lakers, Celtics and the Bulldogs!!
For some reason, I am finding myself watching the NBA Finals between the L.A. Lakers and the Boston Celtics. This historic rivalry used to be quite a game to watch when the game was still about basketball. Today's rivalry between the two teams is more about the 'superstars' (who shall remain nameless). There has been some razzing in my office between myself and a few others about who will win - the Lakers or the Celtics. After tonight's game, the Celtics lead 2 games to 1. Now, considering I'm from California, you would think that I would be a die-hard Laker fan. Actually, I'm kind of hoping the Celtics take it. (1) Because it has been a long time since they won the NBA Finals; and (2) they seem to be more of a co-hesive unit and there is no ONE standout 'star'.
On the other side of the spectrum is the NCAA Baseball World Series, which my Fresno State Bulldogs have made it into! Gooooooo BULLDOGS!! After 3 hard games against Arizona State, Fresno State was victorious with a 12-9 win on Sunday night. What made this even more exciting is that our pastor's son, Jordan, is on the team and got to play for a little bit during game 3. He's a freshman so he doesn't get much playing time but what an exciting experience for him to be apart of such a memorable moment!
Now, the Bulldogs will face Rice on Sunday in the College Baseball World Series in Omaha, Nebraska. The last time they made it this far was in 1991.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
My First Official Mother's Day
I officially celebrated my first Mother's Day this weekend.
It started out with an overnight trip to Santa Cruz, and a day at Great America for Spring Celebration, the day long music festival, and walking around the park with some dear friends of ours and their kids. The trip to Santa Cruz was Tyler's first trip to the coast house. It was quite an adventure to pack for us and him. Eventhouh it was only an overnight trip, we had SO much stuff... his portable crib, stroller, our suitcases, blankets, a change of clothes for when it gets cold at the park, a blanket and toys for Tyler to play with on the long 2 1/2 hour drive there and back. My son is such a good baby - he slept most of the way there and home.
We had to come home Saturday night due to Troy needing to be at church Sunday for our special Mother's Day service. So the boys slept, while I drove.
Sunday was a long, tiring day. Since Troy leaves early for church on Sunday's, he put a little Mother's Day card from Tyler in his carseat so when I went to put him in it, I found the card. Then after church, we went to my sister's house for a BBQ with my family. Troy's mom, step-dad and sister also came out. We all had a lot of fun, and of course, Tyler was the main center of attraction.
He's coming up on his 7 month birthday. He's doing well with eating his cereal and veggies. He has two teeth coming in and he's ALMOST to the point where he can sit by himself without falling over. He still needs a little help but can mostly sit on his own.
I can't believe how quick he's growing. I finally downloaded all the pictures I had on my camera and I'll get some pictures posted soon, including some from this weekend.
I hope all my special mom friends had a wonderfully blessed Mother's Day!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
In Honor of All Hokies!
Also, since I work on a college campus, we were very effected as a university community. We developed a memorial garden in honor of those Hokies that lost their lives on that dreadful day.
Today on campus, there is a special ceremony to commemorate the 1st anniversary, which I plan on taking part in to honor those lost and all my Hokie friends!
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Croup is a scary thing
According to webMd, Croup is a common respiratory problem in young children that has a harsh, "barking" cough. Croup causes swelling and narrowing in the voice box, windpipe, and breathing tubes that lead to the lungs.
I never heard of such a thing until it happened to us. Tyler got croup and we had to rush him to emergency on Friday morning. They did some breathing treatments on him and decided to transfer him to Valley Childrens Hospital (Children's Hospital of Central California). We are lucky to have one of the top children's hospitals so close by. We stayed overnight at the hospital and they treated us so well! After a few steroid treatments (that relaxes the muscles in the air passage and helps him breath better), they released us on Saturday mid morning. The doctor said that the coughing would persist for a few days but would decrease as time went on.
It was hard to see our happy baby boy so miserable and not feeling well. He still has a slight cough that lingers on and is fianlly getting his appetite back. We had many people praying for him and his recovery. God answered our prayers!
He's starting to show signs of his normal, happy self again so he's on the way to recovery.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Happy Easter
This year is an especially blessed Easter. I precious baby boy gets to have his first Easter, and eventhough he's too young to know what its all about yet, we will soon be able to share the incredible story of God's love with him and begin directing his spiritual path.
This year also begins the ongoing picture taking at each holiday. We had these pictures taken at a local studio (yes, that is a real lamb!!) and he was just a good baby, and he smiled and laughed so easily. We are blessed to have such a happy baby!
I found it very inspiring and divine that his first professional picture was for Easter and featured a lamb. It made be reflect on what Jesus did for us, as the 'Lamb' of God, and the "lamb led to the slaughter" to cleanse all of us unworthy humans of our sins.
This Easter will be a blessed time of remembrance, thankfulness and praise!Happy Easter!!
May God reign blessings upon all of you!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
I'm Officially DONE...
I am finally done with my online schooling for my Bachelors.
Although actual graduation doesn't happen until the end of the month, I have not finished posting my last assignment and await my final grades.
If all goes well, I will finish with an A in this class, and finish my schooling with a 3.87 GPA, graduating Magna Cum Laude.
I will officially have my BFA (Bachelors of Fine Arts) in Graphic Design and will now challenge myself with getting a job in my new field.
Please check out my new website Sheryl Root Designs, and let me know what you think.
Also, if you have an type of design project you need help with, please feel free to let me know.
Blessings to you all!!
Saturday, March 01, 2008
a new stage - rice cereal
for awhile, we were using a specialized bottle that we put the cereal in that was suppose to help with the transition. it ended up being very messy and not really worth the headache... although it did help tyler get used to eating and swallowing. we used a combo of the new bottle with cereal, spoon-feeding, and the regular bottle with the formula.
he's getting the hang of it now and its so cute to watch him eat.
i have pictures in my camera that i will post soon.
Monday, February 18, 2008
4 Months and Growing
He's grown so much and is becoming a little man with each passing week. Some milestones this month were:
- He now weights 15 lbs and is 25 in long (he goes in for his 4 month shots on Friday).
- He's quickly groing out of his 0-3 mth clothes.
- He's now sleeping in his crib every night. He sleeps through the night (and has been since about 2 mths). Depending on how early he goes to sleep and how early/late he has his last feeding, will determine what time he wakes up in the morning. Anywhere between 3 am and 5 am. He also dreams and makes noises in his sleep.
- Tyler now holds his head up by himself.
- He loves to laugh and smile alot.
- He has strength in his legs to stand up, with a little help. He's so wanting to walk already.
- He's now eating nearly 40 oz a day (8 oz per feeding, 5 feedings a day) and is closely getting ready for the transition to baby food.
- He gets mesmorized by the tv. Whether its Mythbusters (there's a story about this for another time), or any funny cartoon we have on for him, we watches intently. (I wonder where he gets that from?? Uh, maybe his two couch potato parents?? LOL) He's definately going to be a visual learner like me.
- He's not teething yet but he's very close. You can see the white caps almost close to coming through his gums and they are very sensitive. He's drooling alot more and loves to bite on a teething ring (or my finger).
- His hand/eye coordination is coming along slowly. We're also working on his ability (or should I say desire) to reach for things. He loves lights and sounds.
- He's still getting used to his tummy time but does pretty well at pulling himself up. He can roll himself over with a little help.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Another University loss
This morning on my way to work, I was listening to KLOVE (as I always do) and after a news update about the tradgedy, they played "I Will Be Here" by Steven Curtis Chapman. Usually this is a great wedding song but today it hit me in a different way. The lyrics made me think of how precious life is and how we can be gone in a single second. We can face tragedy of all types, but we are to take comfort in the thought that God is always there with us every step of the way. He never leaves us, never forsakes us.
My heart and my prayers go out to those effected by the events at NIU. I just hope and pray that they can feel the love of God surround them and that they can draw near to God instead of push him away at this time.
Here are the lyrics to "I Will Be Here"
by Steven Curtis Chapman
Tomorrow morning if you wake up
and the sun does not appear
I will be here
If in the dark, we lose sight of love
Hold my hand, and have no fear
'Cause I will be here I will be here
When you feel like being quiet
When you need to speak your mind
I will listen
And I will be here
When the laughter turns to cryin'
Through the winning, losing and trying
We'll be together
I will be here
Tomorrow morning, if you wake up
And the future is unclear
I will be here
Just as sure as seasons were made for change
Our lifetimes were made for these years
So I will be here
I will be here
And you can cry on my shoulder
When the mirror tells us we're older
I will hold you
And I will be here
To watch you grow in beauty
And tell you all the things you are to me
I will be here
I will be true to the promise
I have made
To you and to the One who gave you to me
Tomorrow morning, if you wake up
And the sun does not appear
I will be here
Oh, I will be here
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines Day!
Not only do I love you and hold you all dear in my hearts, be comforted that you are also
Happy Valentine's Day!
Friday, January 18, 2008
3 Months
It's hard to believe that it's been 3 months - time has flown by. He's now weighing about 12 lbs, and eats like a little piggy. Grandmas tend to want to overfeed him (the poor thing is starving to death!) It's the grandma way. LOL Obviously since he's 12 lbs, he's not lacking in food.
He's been such a joy to our lives.
He's already sleeping through the night (has been for about a month), smiling alot, even giggles from time to time and he had his first over-night stay at grandma Judy and grandpa Jim's house. Troy and I went to go see the Blue Man Group (3 guys painted in blue that have an intersting musical show with strange instruments. it was very cool!!) so they watched him while we went. It was a bit strange not having him with us when we got home, and waking up the next morning without him there. Judy dropped him off back at my mom's house the next morning so I rushed over there at lunch to go see him.
I went 24 hours without seeing my little guy! OMG, I can't tell you how much I missed him.
His 3 month pictures to follow soon. We've been so bad and haven't taken any since Christmas!!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Back at work
Surprisingly, it hasn't been too tough, since my mom is watching him and she only lives 5 minutes away from campus. I go over to the house every day for lunch to see my little man. He's usually sleeping.
The days seem LONGER and I find myself spacing out a lot at my desk. I have a lot of distractions, including my adorable little pictures I have as my desktop wallpaper. This week was a bit quiet since classes are still on their winter break.
School starts back up this next week so the campus should get a lot more active and hopefully, the work day should start seeming shorter. This also means it will be harder to find a decent place to eat on campus without a long line.
New this semester is the opening of a Chick-fil-a on our campus. I still haven't been down there to taste the food but their reputation is for great Chicken! We'll see.
It's been a long, busy week. I'm pooped. I totally understand how new moms can suddenly change their mind and remain stay-at-home moms instead of returning to work. If it were financially possible and I could keep myself from staying in my PJ's all day every day, I might consider it.
I applaude all you SAH moms!! You're my hero!!
Here's some pics from Christmas:
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
A New Year - New Beginnings
Not only are we new parents but I also am getting to experience the emptyness of going back to work and leaving my precious baby with a sitter.
In our case, the sitter is grandma (my mom) but being away from him all day when I've spent the last 2 1/2 months with him constantly is a bit rough. Today was my first day back at work after being on maternity leave.
I checked on him on my lunch break. He had been cranky that morning but was fine when I got there. He was fighting going to sleep so I rocked him to sleep before I left. He slept the whole afternoon until I went to go pick him up after work.
I thought I'd be a little more emotional but no tears were shed. I did miss my little man but knew he was in very good hands. My parents only live about 5 minutes away from work so I can run over there if there's a problem.
One good thing about going back to work today was that this week is a short week. Yah!! The campus was closed the week between Christmas and New Years so there are a lot of people still on vacation. Because many are still on vacation, the office was pretty quiet. I got caught up on emails and updated my system. I got a little work done this afternoon but it was hard to get motivated. Luckily, the afternoon went by fast.
Me being away from Tyler during the day makes having time with him at night extra special. I know its an adjustment and everything will be fine.