Just thought I'd update my faithful readers (or reader) on the life that is Sheryl.
Well, first of all I can say that I survived the most stressful class session of my college life. I had to take College Algebra and somehow passed it with flying colors. Thanks to my awesome math tutors! I have a week off before I take on Art Appreciation and Finance.

Summer promises to be a busy one here. My parent's 50th wedding anniversary is in June and my sisters and I (mostly I) are organizing the party. We have family coming into town (including my oldest sister from NY) the few weeks prior to the party so we'll be busy with family as well. The week before the party is the Women of Faith conference in Fresno, in which I am leading a large group of women from church to. My list of women attending has been growing... and growing... and growing, so I've been trying to keep that all organized. Should be an awesome time of laughter and fellowship! I will also begin facilitating a 10-week followup study after the conference. July will be full of fun & fireworks as Troy and I celebrate our 11th year of marriage and my birthday.
August will hold our annual trek to Montery for the Spirit West Coast festival. This will be our 6th year going and helping out. We have become such entricate part of the KLOVE/Air 1 crew and we love being in ministry with them. One drawback to our commitment to the festival, is that I have to miss the 50th anniveray reunion at Camp WaMaVa which is the same weekend. Oh, how I miss all the good times and people I have come to love from camp. I still go through my yearly summer camp withdrawls and think about the 'good ole days' often. I wish I could be in 2 places at once but unfortunatley, that's not possible. I am very blessed to have kept in touch with most of those dear to me from my camp days. Whoever goes to the reunion, take lots of pictures and tell me lots of stories afterwards. :-)
Have a wonderful and safe summer ya'all! Hope to keep in better touch with the blog world.
Take care!
Glad to know things are going well for you. That's so awesome about your alegebra class. I truly think that sometimes things like just make more sense during different times of our lives. In college, we have to take it and unless we're science or engineering majors we don't really care about it. But when you go back to learn, like you are doing, the motivation is different and suddenly things that we didn't care about before or didn't understand before just click and make sense and are so cool!
Sorry we haven't chatted on IM lately...my computer time is so random and I'm always being pulled away by one of the kids or the phone or something. Aargh.
I can't go to WaMaVa either. I really wanted to but it just won't work. Too close to the beginning of school, money, etc., etc. At least we still stay in touch!
I recently found Tracy (Martin) McLaren's blog. It's mclarenfamily.blogspot.com And did you see that I linked to Julie Danley's blog on my blog? It's called Dance with Me. And Beth Tunick is in Africa bethinuganda.blogspot.com. So yet another way to reconnect with former camp people!
Love & Miss You!
Hey. Thanks for the note. I agree, sometimes it's easier to understand things after you've gotten older & lived life for awhile. Math wasn't one of them.
:-)I'll have to look up Tracy, Julie and Beth. Thanks for the links. Take care! Miss you!
Hi there! I found your blog through Malia's. So good to see how well you are doing. I had no idea about the Camp WaMaVa 50th Anniversary. That sounds neat! I would love to be there, too but that is a busy weekend for us already.
It would be so fun to have a Camp WaMaVa reunion some day!!
I found your blog through a comment on Tanya's blog. Then I see on your blog that Malia already told you about my blog. Phew.. that was confusing!
You look exactly the same as I remember(shorter hair now though)
My kids and I love K-Love. It's neat that you are able to work with them.
I too will miss the WaMaVa reunion. They were good times, weren't they?
Take Care,
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