Not knowing where the journey will lead you, or where you will stay from night to night, and just believing that with every step, God will guide your way and keep you safe. That would be a touch choice!

This child of God is an on-fire believer who isn't afraid to stand out in the crowd and listens to God's calling. If we only had the faith that he has, this world could do and be so much more. I've only began to know Christian, but already admire his testimony and his obedience in what God wants him to do. Since he has become a believer, he has 'Lived Out Loud' to coin the phrase from Steven Curtis Chapman. He's become very active in church activities and been a great leader to young adults in our college age/singles group. God is doing wonderful things with this man!
He does one thing that most of us don't do. He listens! I know for myself, I sometimes get so bombarded with the every day busyness that I forget to be still and listen to Him. Instead, I sometimes am giving God the 'laundry list' of wants and needs.
Fellow believers, please join with me in praying for Christian in his journey to the border... the people he will meet and the lives he will change. He is already changing mine by his actions.
I'll keep you updated as I am updated with his journey.
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