Wednesday, April 25, 2007

DWTS Week 5

Due to being out of town at a conference, I did't watch the Monday night dancing but from what I saw in the recap on Tuesday, there was some pretty good moves and everyone has stepped up their game.

The group dance was unreal! Everyone had so much fun with it and you could tell. That's how they should all be when they're out there on their own. I think one judge even said that. I think the scuffle between Joey & Ian was so funny! All the dancers put their all into that dance, including John and Billy Ray, which was great to see.

With all the excitement of the dancing on Tuesday's show, I almost hated to see someone go home. In the bottom two this week were John & Edyta and Heather & Jonathan. Sadly, Heather received the least amount of votes and parted the show with smiles AND a goodbye speech. Of course, the speech was mainly a joke, starting out "I'd like to thank the academy..." but Heather really had some great words of thanks to Jonathan and rooted on the rest of the gang in the competition.

Everyone is increased their game, so it's still anyone's change. Although, I'm hoping for Apolo and Julianne, I also hope Cheryl & Ian can make it, getting Cheryl the 3-peat she's looking for. I also think Joey could take it, and Laila definately is in the running... although a female star has yet to win. It's tougher on the female stars to make it because they have to work so much harder to compete with the guys. Their routines are more difficult, but if anyone can do it, it's Laila. She's the remaining female left in the star lineup.
You Go Girl!!!

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