Tuesday, March 07, 2006

It's good to be free!

I am officially off of jury duty! Hallelujah!!
I started the morning out with questioning and by 10:3o, I was outta there! I don't know if it was the fact that I knew several people in law enforcement or my strong convictions. Either way, I'm free!

I made a quick stop at Starbucks and went into work for the afternoon.
I tell you, I appreciate my boring work far more now since I had to endure the even-more boring time of sitting in a courtroom listening to the same questions over and over again by an idiot defense attorney.


1 comment:

Malia said...

I'm happy for you that you that you got out of that. I got notification last year that I was being called up for jury duty but I was able to get out of it since I was a stay-at-home mother. I'll have to milk that one for all it's worth, I figure I have a good 16 more years!