Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Do I look smarter?

It's official - I am a college graduate!!
On Saturday, I took part in my online university's graduation ceremonies celebrating those who have graduated with their Associates degree! To top it off, I graduated WITH HONORS!!
I'm so proud of myself and all the hard work I put into it. It wasn't easy but will be well worth it come next year with I go through ceremonies again - but this time for my BA.

We had a great speaker, DeWitt Jones, who is a photographer with National Geographic. He had such insight and brought up some great point.
Point 1: Vision and dreams are every bit as important as our skills. Not the dreams we have when we sleep; but our goals of what we imagine ourselves doing and becoming. Without a dream to work toward, the skills could be meaningless. We must always be inspired by our dreams.
Point 2: In quoting my absolutely favorite movie, Dead Poet's Society, DeWitt spoke of "Carpe' Diem", or Seizing the Day! We must make every moment count, not wait til a better time to accomplish our dreams - for that time may never come.
He had a quote that still stays with me, and was so insightful... "Don't believe it because you see it.. See it because you believe it. "
He also mentioned that we should see problems as opportunities to see something from a different point of view. That's a very intersting concept to me. When you begin to see those problems as opportunties, you "lose your fear of failure and setback."
Wow!! That's a great way to see it!
To sum up his talk, I'll leave you with this one thought, from Mr. Jones:

"See the Extraordinary in the Ordinary."

It opens up a whole other world when you do!
Carpe' Diem, my friends... Carpe' Diem!!

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