Wednesday, February 07, 2007

It's raining, it's pouring......

Ok, it's not exactly pouring, but it is raining.
I'm sitting at my desk at work, looking out my window (not getting anything done-so what's new?) and watching people pass by with umbrellas. It's been gloomy all day and it finally started raining shortly after lunch.

We were beginning to see Spring on the horizon with warming temps, but nope.... false alarm. :-(

Have you ever caught yourself spacing out, watching the little drops of rain hit the cement? I'm catching myself doing that now. I NEED SOME COFFEE!!

I still have an hour left to go before I go home. I guess I should get some work done today.
Hope we have a dryer tomorrow.

1 comment:

Malia said...

I catch myself spacing out at least twice a day and I'm not even watching raindrops!