I'm usually not so politically out-spoken. But I wanted to share my thoughts on recent going's on in the world.
Sharing my thoughts from Malia's blog, I certainly agree with all she's said. I do have my two cents to share. People in today's society want to blame everyone and everything for what happens to this country. In Katrina's case, some are all too quick to blame the state governor, mayor and even Pres. Bush for not acting quick enough or blame God for letting the disaster happen in the first place.
The bottom line is that the attempt was made by the government to get people out in time... the PEOPLE did not want to go. They cared too much about their positions, then trying to save their own lives. It's the same with those who want to blame God for the bad things happening. Trying to argue with someone who had dead-set on thinking any other way is impossible. In a Christian's case, we just need to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, and show them the spirit of Christ within us. A good example right now, is to show how many people are rushing to the aid of the victims of Katrina. It takes devestation like this to make the US stronger. When the time arises, most of us can get out of our materialistic, self-absorbed holes and help our fellow Americans.
My Pledge: I Pledge Allegance to the Flag, of the United States of America... and to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation, UNDER GOD, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for All!!
Some of you may have heard of the gentleman from CA who is battling the courts to make it unconstitutional for the words, 'UNDER GOD' to be in the Pledge of Allegance. It's things like this that make me not too proud to be from California. This gentleman claims to be doing this for his daughter, but in actuality, his daughter (and his wife) are both Christians and are proud to say 'Under God'. He happens to be an atheist. One Judge agreed and said it was unconstitutional, but the debate still goes on. In my opinion, our Founding Fathers would revolt if they could see this happening now. They based this nation on their faith and values. It's because of the deterioration of this country's faith and values that we see the state that it's in. See what has happened to our schools because they don't allow students to talk about God, or even pray anymore.
I pray for those that fight against God... the battle is really within themselves. Whether we agree with the President's decisions or not, as American's we should pray for our leaders in government - both national and state governments. I know CA really needs prayer for our 'Governator' (said with a slight Hungarian accent) I pray every day for the direction of our nation and for God's guidance and security. God Bless America!!