Thursday, September 29, 2005

Off to the gym I go

After months of talking about going to the gym, Troy and I finally got off our behinds and joined a gym. Believe it or not, we got the best deal, with the best facility at Gold's Gym. It doesn't even look like a normal gym. Very high society. We're movin' on up.. to the big time!

We went for the first time on Tuesday. Didn't overdue it too much, just the treadmill and bikes. We tried this one machine that simulates cross country skiing... our legs hurt after only a few minutes. We couldn't stand it. We'll have to work up to that one. :-) I did a little upper body pull ups but my wrist started hurting so I stopped. We still need to meet with the trainer and hopefully will do that soon. Troy's been really dedicated - I'm so proud of him. He went yesterday, by himself and spent about an hour there. I had a ladies bible study last night. I hope to go tonight.

One cool thing about this gym is that a local female boxer, Jennifer "All American" Alcorn, who is rather famous, boxes there and holds classes. The woman is built!! Oh my goodness!! If I could have half the muscle she has, I'd be so happy. I'll have to check out her classes. Now that we're involved in a gym, it's becoming a family affair. We took the initiative for ourselves, and now his mom and step-dad, dad and sister want to join. We'll see if they actually do.

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