Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Where has the summer gone

The first day of fall is Thursday. We've had such a busy summer, it's flown by so quick. We got our first rain today. It was just enough to mess up the car, you kow how it goes. As I was driving home, I saw the wonderous sight of rays of sunshine peaking through through the storm clouds. Oh, the awesomeness of God! The lightning storm tonight was exciting to see.

You know how some churches will have billboards outside of their buildings? I drove by one day that make me think It said, "God Comforts The Afflicted and Afflicts the Comfortable." That phrease made me think..... We know that God comforts those you face afflictions. But does God bring us trials to remind us that we aren't to get too comfortable on this earth? When we get too comfortable, we get complacent, and forget the reason God put us on this earth.... to go out and reach the world for Christ. It's tough for us, as humans, to do anything outside of our 'comfort zone.' It takes disclipline and obedience to 'think outside of the box' as Jack in the Box's slogan goes. (at least, I think it's Jack in the Box)

Next time I face any affliction in my life, I will remember that He may be telling me, "Think Outside of the Box."

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