Sunday, August 05, 2007

SWC - Saturday update

Saturay: Saturday was a brand new day. We had the late shift again, and didn't need to be here until 1. It's hard to work on homework when there is so much I want to see and do. I did a little bit of homework once I got there, and then finished up later that night.

It was cold and overcast yesterday. I was glad I decided to wear jeans instead of my shorts. Good Call!! We had a lot of traffic at the booth, since it was the last day of the festival. One of the things we got while there was a personalized sing-a-long Veggie Tales CD. It was so cute! What they do is digitally put in the kids name and the Veggie Tales characters pretend like they are actually there with you, singing children's songs and introducing the child to other characters on the CD. We was so cute, we had to get one for Tyler. Since it's songs that I would know, I could sing them to him until he can sing along with me. I'll have V.T. DVDs so he'll know who the characters are. Besides 2 CDs (BarlowGirl and Todd Agnew's newest ones) that's all we purchased - besides all the good food!

We left around 11ish since we had a long drive and it was foggy. Staff & crew stuck around to tear everything down so we didn't have to stay long after the last concert ended. Good thing because I was really tired and was so sore.

Another year is almost gone. It's been fun and definately a different experience then past years. Next year will be quite an adventure will a baby on my arm. We're blessed to be working with KLOVE/Air 1 and the fabulous staff with SWC. They treat us well! We are definately blessed to be working with people who have the same desire we do - to reach lost souls for Christ through the influnce of music... and I must say, Christian music has some awesome representatives out there preaching the gospel through their music!

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