Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Ms. School Spirit

Ms. School Spirit
I was never a cheerleader in high school, but I always longed to be. I'm a super-fan when it comes to Bulldog sports. This week is homecoming and the campus has been all a buzz with activity. Monday, there was a mini-bike race, where many of the administration (the president and VP's) all raced to the finish on little bikes. It was quite a scene. And I'm proud to say that our boss, the VP for Advancement won the race to continue his title as champ!
Today, there's an office decorating contest and we've entered. We've really gone way out with the red and blue! If we don't win the contest, someone has WAY too much time on their hand! This is my way of showing my school spirit. Some of us even baked to try to bribe the judges! I made brownies with red frosting and little decorative letters that spell out GO DOGS! Another co-worker made cupcakes with red and blue sprinklers on them. Should be a fun time! (Will post pictures later)

There was a pep rally this afternoon at lunch. A group of us from the office went and cheered. I answered a trivia question and won a Cd case. Woo hoo!! The question was, "What 4 Fresno State quarterbacks are playing in the NFL." Actually, there are only three - Trent Dilfer (Browns), David Carr (Texans) and Billy Volek (Tennessee)... In my opinion, the 4th is on his way.. our senior QB, Paul Pinagar, is a rising star! Not as good, or as cute as David Carr, but he'll be a great player!

Friday, our office is having a little potluck, and Satuday is homecoming. We go up against the Utah St. Aggies. What the heck is an Aggie?? They couldn't figure out a good mascot name, so they thought of 'Aggies'?? Didn't know there was much Ag land in Utah!!

Anyways, should be a good game for another Bulldog Victory!! Go Dogs!!

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